Giving your prospects a call is an important step in qualifying a sales lead. Digital tools are a great way to gather leads, but don’t forget the value of human interaction. 83% of our buyers who made a request on VirtualExpo in the last 12 months, voluntarily left their phone number. They too wish to further discuss the possibility of working together.
To help you make the most of your leads from VirtualExpo, we have drawn up a list of questions to discuss with your prospect before sending out a quote.
Understand what your prospect needs.
Let’s explore the prospect’s problem and how your product can solve it. The following questions will help you gather more information about your prospect’s needs and challenges:
- Can you describe your project?
- What will be the purpose of the purchased product?
- Have you already tried (unsuccessfully or successfully) other products in the past for this same purpose?
- What other products will be needed in addition to the initial product?
Determine your added value.
You will probably have to deal with competitors. With these questions, you can discover more about the competition and how you can highlight your added value.
- On what criteria do you primarily base your decision to purchase?
- What prompted you to explore our solution?
- Have you contacted other suppliers?
- What are the criteria that make you prefer a supplier rather than another?
Find out their restrictions.
Your product might be the one they need, but budget and timing can be all-important. With the following questions you can better understand whether or not you are the best business partner for your prospect.
- What is the timeline for your project?
- When do you plan to complete the purchase?
- Do you have any budget restrictions?
- How do you measure the success of your project (benefits, competitiveness, productivity…)?
- Do you have any other similar purchase plans in the future?
The above questions can be used as a guide for your sales discovery call. Not all questions might be appropriate for your business and some might be missing. Make sure you prepare some questions in advance so you don’t forget to raise the most important points. But above all, don't forget to listen to what your buyer has to say and adapt your questions to the course of the conversation.